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MAT & School Improvement Reviews

As part of our ongoing support of you school we can offer the following services to your school or Trust:

New for 2025: SEND Governance review

To support schools to respond to the January 2025, SEN and disability duties: Guidance for governing boards, this half-day review will focus on the strategies and processes which governing boards have in place to ensure that there church school is fully inclusive and best placed to meet the needs of pupils with Special Needs and disabilities.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, ½ a day in school and time to write up the report.

Cost within the SLA £460

Cost outside the SLA £660

Website Audit 

Your website is the window to your school.  Our team will review your website taking account of the latest statutory guidance for all school or academy websites whilst providing an enhanced service. This will provide further assurance about how your theologically rooted Christian vision is communicated throughout the pages of your site.  It will also focus on your values, RE and Collective Worship and how these show who your school is and what it does.  It will link to statutory documents such as the Church of England Education Office’s Statement of Entitlement for RE and the National Collective Worship Guidance as well as the current SIAMS framework. 

This review is done off site and a full report provided which shows whether statutory requirements are met as well as making recommendations.

Cost within the SLA £200

Cost outside the SLA £360


SIAMS Health Check/Review

A review of the school, academy or Trust's preparedness for inspection under the 2023 SIAMS framework, to include for example, discussion about the theological underpinning of the distinctive Christian vision, a review of the ongoing or summary SEF, school leader/staff/pupil interviews, school walk throughs, etc.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser and can either be 1 day or ½ day in school and time to write up the report.  Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Cost within the SLA (1/2 day) £460

Cost within the SLA (1 day)  £660

Cost outside the SLA (1/2 day) £665

Cost outside the SLA  (1 day) £1,150


Spiritual Development Review

A review of current provision for developing spirituality across the school. Focusing on how the theologically rooted Christian vision and the Anglican/Methodist foundation of the school shapes spirituality across the school. It will also explore the context of the school as a Church school, what pupils and adults understand to be the meaning of spirituality and spiritual development, and how this enhances and enriches collective worship and individuals’ spiritual development.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, ½ day in school and time to write up the report

Cost within the SLA £460

Cost outside the SLA £660

SEND Review

This is a full day review of the provision and effectiveness of the school’s vision and work in supporting pupils with SEND. Prior to the visit a website review will take place. During the day there will be meetings with the SENDCO, HT and SEND Governor. Meeting with the SENDCO will explore the cohort, identification processes and provision. Shared visits to classes will look at the impact of adaptive teaching and how robustly and consistently pupils’ plans are used to support learning. Discussions will also be held with pupils and staff. A rounded picture of strengths and areas for development will be shared in the final report.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, 1 day in school and time to write up the report.

Cost within the SLA £665

Cost outside the SLA £1,150


RE Audit

A review of current provision and practice in RE to include, for example, compliance with statutory duties in relation to RE; compliance with the Church of England Education Office Statement of Entitlement; review of the RE curriculum and its implementation; review of RE assessment and monitoring processes; staff/pupil interviews; review of RE policies, etc.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, ½ day in school and time to write up the report

Cost within the SLA £460

Cost outside the SLA £660

Collective Worship Review 

A review of current provision and practice in Collective Worship to include, for example, in relation to the National Church for England Collective Worship Guidance. The review will focus on how the theologically rooted Christian vision and the Anglican/Methodist foundation of the school shape worship in the school and how it allows for the spiritual flourishing of all. The review will also consider how Inclusive, Invitational and Inspirational Collective Worship is.  It will also look at an example of Collective Worship plus planning, monitoring and pupils voice documents. It will also consider the impact or Collective Worship on pupils, staff  and the wider community. 

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, ½ day in school and time to write up the report

Cost within the SLA £460

Cost outside the SLA £660


Governance Review

An external review of governance examines the effectiveness of the Board. It studies the governance structure, culture and practice. We can give an independent, objective view of the Board's strengths and areas for improvement, along with clear recommendations for future improvement, allowing opportunity for the Board to review the strategic direction of the organisation and to evaluate its processes and systems.

This review is bespoke to the school, please contact the education team to discuss your requirements, upon which a bespoke quote will be sent to you.

Pupil Premium Review

A review of the provision and effectiveness of the school’s vision and work in supporting those benefiting from the Pupil Premium Grant.  The day will include: a review of the PP strategy; discussions with leaders (including those responsible for governance); lesson drop ins and gathering of pupil and staff voice in this area. A rounded picture of strengths and areas for development will be shared in the final report.

This review requires preparation time for the adviser, 1 day in school and time to write up the report

Cost within the SLA £665

Cost outside the SLA £1,150


To book a review please contact