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Our Team

The Diocesan Education Team - Supporting the Church Schools Family

The team works with the Diocesan Board of Education to provide support and advice to the family of Church Schools across the Diocese.

Our offices are at: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PU

Paul Thompson - Director of Education

Paul Thompson
Director of Education

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Paul represents the Diocesan Board of Education nationally, dealing with the Church and the Department for Education as well as working with senior clergy in the Diocese itself. He develops strategy and leads the education team. Paul develops regional school improvement strategies with key educational partners including the Local Authorities and Teaching School Hubs. He supports schools and academies with leadership and governance, recruitment, induction and performance management of head teachers.

Lynsey Norris - Assistant Director of Education

Lynsey Norris
Assistant Director of Education

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Lynsey develops the professional development offer to schools and academies and leads the SLA visit programme to support leaders to develop the distinctiveness and effectiveness of church schools. She also develops parish and church links through Time to Change Together and Growing Faith. Lynsey also supports schools with Collective Worship, Mental Health and Wellbeing training and resources and leads the Church School Festival.

Peter Tomlinson - Finance & Operations Manager

Peter Tomlinson
Finance & Operations Manager

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Peter administers capital funding for VA schools in the diocese as well as assisting with land and legal matters for all schools. He also looks after the accounts of the LDBE.

Gillian Georgiou - RE & SIAMS Adviser

Gillian Georgiou
RE & SIAMS Adviser

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Gillian supports all types of schools and academies across the Diocese to deliver effective RE and to prepare for SIAMS inspection. She regularly works with infant, junior, primary, secondary and special schools and academies, delivering training on different types of knowledge in RE, curriculum design, assessment, subject leadership, religious/non-religious worldviews and SIAMS. Gillian was involved in writing the Lincolnshire locally agreed syllabus for RE and the Church of England Education Office’s Statement of Entitlement, used to judge the effectiveness of RE in SIAMS inspection.

June Richardson - School Effectiveness Adviser

June Richardson

School Effectiveness Adviser


tel: 01522 50 40 10

June supports schools to be successful Church schools. She works with primary and secondary schools with a focus on school improvement through the Church of England’s Christian vision. Her work includes school improvement activities with senior and middle leaders focusing on: academic performance, curriculum, middle leadership at all levels, inclusion, diversity, disadvantaged and SEND. She carries out Headteacher performance management and also provides training for school leaders and governors.

Tracy Smith - DBE Administrator & Diary Manager for DDE

Tracy Smith
DBE Administrator

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Tracy administers the invoices for the courses and conferences and supports with the running of the professional development programme. Tracy manages the SLA subscription process, as well as School Improvement co-ordination, including the Diocesan Associate Adviser visits for schools within the SLA. Tracy also manages diary appointments for the Diocesan Director of Education.


Ellen Cross - DBE Administrator

Ellen Cross
DBE Administrator

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Ellen works with lawyers and Local Authorities as we review the school site trusts and work on academy conversions. She is minutes secretary to the Board of Directors and develops communications through our website and weekly briefing to schools.




Kim Dove - DBE Administrator

Kim Dove
DBE Administrator

tel: 01522 50 40 10

Kim is responsible for the administration of foundation governors across the diocese as well as providing administration support to the DBE team and schools/academies in areas of compliance including DBS checks, Admissions and GDPR.