Ready for School Fund
The Bishop of Lincoln’s Ready For School Fund aims to support schoolchildren who are lacking the things they need in order to access confidently the full life of school and the curriculum.
Grants are made through the fund to head teachers so that they may seek to meet some of the identified needs of individual pupils. Items such as revision booklets, coats, school uniform or PE kit, lunchboxes, cookery ingredients or art or maths equipment are just some examples of where the fund can be put to work, with the fund guided by an awareness of the effect on a child of being unable to participate in school activities alongside their peers because of financial circumstances.
The fund is a practical expression of the diocesan central staff’s commitment to service as an outworking of – and central to – faith. The prayer is that funds will continue to meet the very real social needs in our schools and witness to the generosity of God through His people. Every penny raised will, through head teachers, go to the pupils thanks to the generosity of the Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance (LDTBF) in administering the fund at no cost.
Application guidance
The Bishop of Lincoln’s Ready For School Fund is:
for small grants of no more than around £100 for individual children
administered at no cost by the LDTBF
not to be used for such things as could reasonably be expected to come out of the pupil premium grant
administered by the Diocesan Secretary, the Diocesan Director of Education and the Vice Chair (clergy) of the Diocesan Board of Education
The form should include information on why assistance is required and the amount that is requested. Schools must be willing to substantiate the grant should the LDTBF auditors wish to check a sample of grants as part of the external audit process. Requests for assistance will be considered upon receipt. Insufficient funds will mean that applications for assistance will be unsuccessful.
Forms should be emailed to
The Closed Schools General Purpose Reserve Fund
The Closed Schools General Purpose Reserve Fund (CSGPRF) provides grants to support Church Schools, individuals and organisations connected to the Diocese of Lincoln
Schools can apply once in every 3 year period; but, if a new head is appointed, this clock resets.
Decisions on the award of grants are made by the Diocesan Director of Education.
Please see the guidance for more information on the CSGPRF and how to apply.
Also downloadable - an exemplar of an excellent application - please see below.
Please return your completed form to Tracy Smith -
LDBE request photos of the completed project, so we can advertise how your project promotes Christian distinctiveness to a wider audience – please send to –