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  • Thought For The Week - 14-10-24

    Published 14/10/24
    I love this time of year when we experience the abundance of harvest. I have picked loads of pears, but there have not been many apples. Hopefully I can share what I have and enjoy what others have to offer at the harvest supper in our village. I hop
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  • Statement - Coming Together 2024

    Published 19/08/24
    Over the summer we saw some horrendous acts of violence and riots across the country which deeply troubled us. Our aim, along with all our schools is to provide an inclusive environment where all are welcomed, loved and given the opportunity to flour
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  • End Of Term Bulletin - 15-07-24

    Published 15/07/24

    By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (Genesis 2:2)


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  • Thought For The Week - 08-07-24

    Published 08/07/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, When on your summer holidays, have your ever seen little towers of stones on the beach?   I recall holidaying in St Ives one year, when there seemed to be a craze  of building these. They were towers of
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  • Thought For The Week - 01-07-24

    Published 01/07/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, As you may know, the Diocesan Education Team’s offices are located next to the Cathedral. It makes for an incredible sight when arriving at work. Recently there have also been incredible sounds. This is due to th
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  • Thought For The Week - 24-06-24

    Published 24/06/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, In terms of Anglican holy days - today remembers the birth of John the Baptist.  As a Quaker, I shouldn’t really hold to any particular day being any more holy than another - Quakers don’t do anniv
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  • Thought For The Week - 17-06-24

    Published 17/06/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, This week I was discussing spirituality with a colleague. We were exploring the different ways in which schools might define spirituality and how we might help staff and pupils connect with the opportunities we provide
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  • Thought For The Week - 10-06-24

    Published 10/06/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, At the end of last week, I was lucky enough to visit my favourite place in the whole world – Northumberland. Unlike my usual visits during October half term, I was there for work. I was reminded strongly of the c
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  • Thought For The Week - 29-04-24

    Published 29/04/24
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, Around 10 days ago, Ofsted published the long-awaited RE subject report, Deep and Meaningful? The content of the report answered that question with a resounding ‘no’. For those of us working in the field, t
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  • Thought For The Week - 22-04-24

    Published 22/04/24

    People of God, will you welcome and support these Headteachers in their ministry in the schools which they lead?

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  • Bulletin - 15-04-24

    Published 15/04/24

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’ 1 Peter 1:3

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  • Easter Message from our Director of Education

    Published 25/03/24

    16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

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