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Prayers for Schools

Prayer for school leaders taken from Called Connected Committed Resources

Creator God Maker of the heavens and the earth,

You have provided us with so many good things,

To enjoy, to cherish and to share with one another.

For the incredible beauty of creation, we give you thanks,

For the awe and wonder we find in every little thing around us,we give you thanks,

For the ability to advance knowledge in order to heal, protect and innovate, we give you thanks.

May we never cease to marvel at your glorious works,

Seeing the good in all that you have made,

And the inherent worth in each and every person.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Forgive us, Lord,
We have looked away from injustice,
We have walked by on the other side,
We have not spoken out against inequity,
We have failed to act or bring about change.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Stir us to real and lasting action,
Show us how your heart yearns for justice,
That we may love expansively, compassionately, inclusively,
Just as Jesus did.

Give us eyes to see our peers' pain and unequal treatment
Give us ears to hear voices that are different from our own
Give us mouths that speak out against hate and injustice
Give us feet that are swift to step up and walk alongside
Give us hands that will bless and heal and bring peace
Give us hearts that are strong enough to never give up.

Forgive us, Lord,
We have looked away from injustice,
We have walked by on the other side,
We have not spoken out against inequity,
We have failed to act or bring about change.

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.


Creator God Maker of the heavens and the earth,

You have given us responsibility for taking care of your precious creation,

To nourish, protect and preserve so all can flourish.

Where our carelessness has damaged the earth, Lord have mercy,

Where our selfishness has caused injustice for others, Lord have mercy,

Where our apathy has allowed the climate emergency to speed ahead, Lord have mercy.

May we be good stewards of our world,

Leaving a better legacy for our children,

And a fairer world for all your people.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Creator God Maker of the heavens and the earth,

You have shown us what it means to lead others through Jesus’ example on the earth,

Demonstrating wisdom, justice, humility and compassion.

When we face challenging situations that require us to be brave, please give us strength,

When we wrestle with decisions wondering how best to serve others, please give us strength,

When we are confronted with poverty, pain and injustice, please give us strength.

May we lead like Christ – looking to the needs of others first,

Holding fast to the core values we know are right,

And seeking always the transformation of our children,

In Jesus’ name, Amen

God of Wisdom
You have shaped us to 'pursue wisdom' in every endeavour, for the sake of our world
Through our work, our relationships, our interests and our lives.
May we invest in seeking out truth, good practice and integrity,
With your Spirit's help.

God of Hope
Your wisdom enables 'possibilities of reconciliation and transformation',
When things go wrong, in times of lament, loss, grief and pain.
May we commit to listening and truly understanding to bring about healing,
With your Spirit's help.

God of Community
Your wisdom is found in relationship - within the Godhead and with those you have made,
To bring about 'love, compassion and peace' for all made in your image.
May we learn to engage with different people, ideas and ways of living.
With your Spirit's help.

God of Dignity
In your wisdom, you have 'created each person in your image' - having infinite and 'ultimate worth'
Giving every individual immense potential, and the chance to make a unique contribution.
May we ensure that we love one another, just as you have loved us,
With your Spirit's help.


God our rescuer
We know that through Christ
You offer us a renewed and better future.
Hope of justice for all,
Hope of healing and repair,
Hope that our worst experiences need not define us,
Hope anew each day.
Help us to believe in flourishing futures for all of our children,
Seeking to understand and to unlock,
Engendering empathy within our community,
Enabling wise practices and loving care.
Lord in your mercy, 
Hear our prayer.

God our strength
While we believe in your hope,
We sometimes struggle to sustain it.
Disappointment can drain us,
Bad experiences can overwhelm us,
Incidents can unnerve us,
Individuals' actions can divide us.
Help us to hold on when challenges arise,
Clinging on to faith in what lies ahead,
Seeking support when it becomes too much,
Running into your arms when love runs dry.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.




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