Safeguarding Advice for Bishop’s Visitors
- Please ensure your school has included you on their single central register
- Please make sure you have your Diocesan Board of Education photo ID lanyard with you, when visiting your school.
- If you do not yet have a photo ID lanyard, please send Kim Dove ( a head and shoulders photograph via email and she will arrange for a card to be printed. This will go on a diocesan lanyard, which will be provided.
- Although many of you are established visitors to your schools, it would still be good to read the school’s induction booklet for volunteers and we will be asking all newly appointed Bishop’s Visitors to do this at their first point of contact with their school
- Additionally, all Bishop’s Visitors are required to complete the Diocesan Foundation Level Safeguarding Training. Before accessing this face-to-face training, an online training session needs to be completed and a certificate printed off. Details of this together with instructions can be found on the safeguarding section of the Diocesan website ( Please contact your parish safeguarding coordinator who will be able to help with this. This training is at no cost to you and can be accessed across the diocese
- Safeguarding training in school usually takes place for all staff and volunteers at the start of the academic year in September. Please remind your school administrator that you need to be invited
- Finally, please could you keep us informed of any safeguarding training you have undertaken, so we can keep our records up to date. You can do this by emailing Lynsey Norris -