Ex-Officio Vacancies - the process to appoint a temporary Ex-Officio
Do you have a vacancy for an Ex-Officio?
Some incumbents are not able to be the Ex-Officio Foundation Governor, for example – if they have a large number of Church of England schools in their parish, and they simply do not have the capacity.
An Ex-Officio Foundation Governor Vacancy may also occur where an incumbent has retired and nobody has taken their place.
In this case, we endeavour to find a temporary Ex-Officio who holds that office for up to four years, or less if a new incumbent arrives and feels they can undertake the role.
To find a temporary Ex-Officio, we ask the person who should be the Ex-Officio to nominate a person, or we contact the Local Mission Partnership or Rural Dean.
The temporary Ex-Officio does not have to be a member of the clergy. They can be a lay minister, a reader or a churchwarden.
It is entirely in the gift of the Archdeacon of that Archdeaconry to approve a temporary Ex-Officio appointment.
When a name is suggested, we contact the Archdeacon and seek their approval of the appointment.
If approved, a letter and certificate are issued confirming the appointment.
Newly appointed governors are strongly encouraged to attend our Induction Training.