DBE Specialist Advisers
Our specialist advisers are recognised for their wealth of experience and expertise in particular areas. All specialist advisers offer a discounted rate when you book through the Diocesan SLA.
Jenny Cook Mathematics
Justine Caswell Staff Wellbeing
Jennie Fytche Godly Play, Trauma and Bereavement
Jenny cook
Primary Education Consultant
Jenny specialises in mathematics and holds the NCETM accreditation of Professional Development Lead. She has extensive teaching and leadership experience along with many years as an Education Consultant. Jenny provides consultancy in all aspects of Primary Mathematics and can provide bespoke in-school support and training services to the variety of stakeholders. Jenny works to meet the current needs of each individual school in areas such as:
- Raising attainment and progress for all
- Auditing current practice
- Increasing subject pedagogical knowledge
- Class teacher support
- Developing subject leaders
justiNe caswell
Pyschotherapeutic Counsellor
Justine Caswell is a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor who runs her own private counselling practice.
As part of her work she has provided counselling in many different settings including GP surgeries, sixth form colleges (working with staff), and churches as well as working for Action for Children.
Justine specialise in running wellbeing services for organisations including the church and the education sector.
She will be running twilight sessions and courses for schools around staff wellbeing, resourcing headteachers and governors with the tools to support the staff in their school.
(Please note Justine does not work with under 16s)
jennie fytche
Children’s Trauma and Bereavement Adviser, Godly Play Consultant
Jennie Fytche has worked with children and young people since she finished school and began her training as a paediatric nurse. Some thirty years later she has worked in various contexts within the NHS, charity and volunteer sector and latterly as a school’s work facilitator for LightSpace Schools Work project in Grantham. When she is not in the primary schools in Grantham she is training and coaching youth workers, writing course material for undergraduate courses in children's, youth and pastoral care and developing research into the spiritual nurture of children. Jennie is also a Godly Play story teller and advocate.