End Of Term Bulletin - 15-07-24

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (Genesis 2:2)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Here we are! We find ourselves at the end of another busy academic year. Undoubtedly, you will feel tired and weary both mentally and physically. This reflects the extraordinary amount of time and energy you invest into church school education.
It is a privilege for the DBE team to support you and your schools to be the best school you can be. As we visit your schools, the evidence of your hard work, commitment and enthusiasm is plain to see. We see leaders at all levels living out a Christian vision which enables all adults and children to flourish academically, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
We understand the daily pressures you have as school leaders face and we appreciate the extraordinary courage and determination you have to turn challenges into new opportunities for your school. I hope you have never felt alone in the work you are doing. The DBE team has always been with you and will continue to be by your side as we navigate this complex world of education.
As we approach the summer holiday, it is a time for rest. It is a time to ‘switch off’ and recharge the batteries. It is a time to enjoy special moments with family and friends. We are reminded throughout the Bible that rest and relaxation is important. God leads by example as He rested on the seventh day, following His creation of the world.
At the end of this academic year, we have some school leaders moving onto pastures new. Whether you are moving to a new school, relocating, resigning or retiring from your current role, I would like to say a huge thank you for all that you’ve contributed to church school education in this diocese. You will always be one of the family and on behalf of the DBE, we wish you every success for the future.
For those continuing in current roles, we know there is always more work to do but we will achieve more when we are fresh with renewed strength. During the summer, members of the DBE will also be taking holiday but there will always be someone here if you need any support. The main office number during the summer in 01522 504010.
Have a great summer break.
Best wishes
Diocesan Director of Education