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Thought For The Week - 01-07-24

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As you may know, the Diocesan Education Team’s offices are located next to the Cathedral. It makes for an incredible sight when arriving at work. Recently there have also been incredible sounds. This is due to the screeching and shrieking of the peregrine falcons who nest in the top of the bell tower. Lately, in a morning there has been a veritable cacophony of sound!

The increase in decibels is due to successful breeding by the resident pair of falcons. They have hatched and raised four youngsters which is an incredible achievement suggesting they are very much at home in their ecclesiastical nest box!  There was great excitement a few weeks ago as Cathedral staff and bird watchers waited with anticipation to see the young birds fledge. Some of you, who attended church school festival, may have seen the live feed from the nest box which was playing on the TV screens in the Cathedral.

The fledgling stage is an anxious time as the young find their wings, this is especially true when their ‘scrape’ is so high up. ‘Peregrine boxes’ have been placed around the cathedral in case a young bird is found on the ground. The dark box helps to calm the birds; protects them from prey and allows cathedral staff to carry them back to the top of the tower to their parents!

Peregrines are incredible birds. Their name means ‘wandering falcon’ They have the ability to fly higher than most birds and have incredible binocular vision (they can see over a mile away). This enables them to see their prey and capture it in flight. They can hover over 1000m in the air and will suddenly dive into a ‘stoop’ falling to the earth at over 200mph only to intercept their prey taking it by surprise from above. 

Birds, including birds of prey, often feature in the Bible. I can imagine desert-like and rocky conditions being home to many of these types of birds. As I read some of the Bible verses which mention raptors, there was one that struck me as relevant for everyone in education at the moment. A verse designed to bring comfort and strength to those who need it. It is taken from Isaiah chapter 40. In describing an eagle soaring, it speaks of the renewal of strength and of perseverance. This is the culmination of a whole chapter which speaks of the hope and comfort that God’s grace brings.

‘but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint’

Isaiah 40 v 31

I hope that at the end of a busy academic year, these words may provide inspiration and lift you so your fly high in the final busy weeks of term.

Wishing you an enjoyable week ahead.

from June Richardson, School Effectiveness Adviser

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